Once upon a time I started an embroidery of Van Gogh's "Sunflowers".
It was from a kit.
It might have been when I was in college.
Or even high school.
A long time ago....
Anyway, as is my overbooked wont, I got about 85 percent done and then stashed the thing somewhere.
It got moved around - both to other parts of the house and other living spaces. Dorm, apartment, house #1 house #2.
It got stained. (No idea when that happened but I figure my carelessness probably made it inevitable.)
And then, in 2018, was rediscovered in a box of something in the basement.
Somewhat the worse for wear.
The first thing I noticed was that the last sunflower was unfinished. This could be why I set it aside - the kit might have contained insufficient yarn.
The second thing I noticed was all the stains.
I hate waste.
Especially when I've already put a lot of time into something.
So I hatched a plan to fix it.
The first challenge was to try to finish that last sunflower. This proved to be more difficult than expected because the shades of yellow in the existing yarn were so specific to the embroidery kit. I went to some craft stores looking for more suitable embroidery yarn and could not find ANYTHING that remotely matched. Shift to plan B - My mother had thrown a hoard of old yarn and embroidery floss at me a few years earlier so I started rummaging through the stash. I wound up finding just enough fill in the final flower.
Second problem was the stains.
Stains no amount of washing - or helpful hints from Heloise - were going to be able to remove.
Since fixing the discoloration was not an option I chose to cover it all up.
How could I do that and still maintain the integrity of the rest of the embroidery?
Not by dying the fabric - too big a risk I would get something on the sunflowers.
Maybe I could have used fabric paint somehow.
But I went for filling all the background space with French Knots.
It took a LONG time.
It's a LOT of knots.
But I think it was worth it.
"Sunflowers" meets "Starry Night"
I love it.
Now I have to figure out how to frame it :-)
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