This has been a year of massive overhaul - both in my personal life and my professional life.
Which will be good news for the Overbooked blog because I plan to fire it back up again with regular postings soon.
In the meantime you can check out where much of my energy has been going on my shiny new website
This is where you can find out about my other writing, my harp playing, my speaking etc. and also where you can hire me to come entertain your group.
I'm most excited about having a new online store. (My old one was built ages ago and did not do a good job keeping up with changing internet technology.) To visit the store you can click here or use the tab up in the menu bar.
Downloadable versions of my original music - jazz, indie rock, and Celtic - can be found there as well as my Anne & God Book Collection and both collections of Edison Lee Comics.
Right now I'm running a special holiday gift sale on my book "Anne & God: Conversations With The Infinite" - copies regularly sell for $15 each but to facilitate purchase of multiple copies for all those people on your gift list I've reduced the price to $10 per copy plus shipping. If you've never read my other site "Anne & God" you can check it out here to get a sense of what the book is like. I started Anne & God to cheer up a sick friend and have found that many readers give the book as gifts to friends they feel could use a little lift.
You may notice changes here on the blog as well - I'm experimenting with formatting and different templates so please be patient as I sort through that process.
You will also see some new tabs up on the menu bar - some of these are direct links to my new site (like the store tab) - the end goal will be to make the two sites linked smoothly together.
We'll see how all that goes.
I tend to have a little problem with overcommitment....
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